WAB4u course in Regensdorf for only CHF 370.00!
Choose a date for your WAB course visit in Regensdorf and only pay CHF 370.- (weekend + CHF 20.00).

Daily program WAB course:

The ASSR anti-skid school also offers compulsory further training for new drivers, which must be completed in the first year within the three-year probationary period.

WAB4u: On the course day, various causes of accidents and their consequences are discussed using examples. On the ASSR's well-equipped facility, you will see and experience why it is better to avoid delicate situations rather than deal with them.

The course participants also deepen their knowledge of their own abilities and their traffic sense. Environmentally friendly and clever driving as well as cooperative behavior are being further developed.
Does that sound like dry matter?
Don't worry, the course professionals at the ASSR Anti-Spin School know how to present this knowledge to you in an entertaining and easily digestible portion.

Every participant completes the new WAB day course in their own vehicle. (automatic or switched)


  • Safety in the vehicle
  • residual speed
  • Cascade system
    Exchange of experiences
  • Right of recourse
  • Drive smart
  • save energy


Practical exercise:

  • Distance
  • Emergency braking
  • Cornering safely
  • Gaze technique
  • Sensorimotor skills
  • reaction time
  • Plan speed


  • Recognize and accept driving physics connections when braking.
  • Experience the dangers of incorrect braking. Correct vehicle operation when braking with/without ABS and modern vehicle electronics.
  • Raise awareness of safe distancing behavior.
  • Develop strategies to maintain the safe minimum distance.
  • Increasing road safety through cooperative behavior.
  • Recognize and experience the right speed for safe cornering - even in poor conditions.
  • Practice economical and environmentally conscious driving techniques.



Lunch: As one of the few WAB centers, lunch is included!

Interpreter: If your knowledge of English is insufficient, the course participant must organize an interpreter (translator) for the course themselves and must mention this when registering.

Attention: Please provide the discount code or voucher number when registering for the course. After registration, no more discounts can be claimed.


If you have received a CHF 30.00 voucher from your driving instructor, please enter the code: ACE-30-AS3 in the “voucher code” field.
We will deduct CHF 30.00 from your invoice. Simply bring the voucher with you on the day of the course. Thank you!
Unfortunately, vouchers after registration can no longer be taken into account.

WAB Course

WAB day: CHF 370.-

including fully comprehensive insurance and lunch


Course language: English

Vehicle: CHF 50.-

ATTENTION you need a vehicle for this course

You have the option of renting a automatic vehicle from us for a fee.

Interpreter: CHF 50.-


with insufficient knowledge of English

Weekend surcharge: CHF 20.-